1. Add below property in "config.json" file inside sso propery ,{ "name" : "insertuser_enabled", "displayName" : "Insert User", "defaultValue" : false, "type" : "checkbox" } 2. Generate "keycloak.json" json file from keycloak and place this in WEB-INF folder - Follow Docment to generate this json file : https://docs.aivhub.com/aiv/Advance/sso_with_keycloak_aiv#generate-keycloakjson 3. Add below properties in web.xml file before "AuthenticationFilter" property aiv org.keycloak.adapters.servlet.KeycloakOIDCFilter aiv /* AuthenticationKeycloakFilter com.keycloak.AuthenticationKeycloakFilter AuthenticationKeycloakFilter /* 4. Add Keycloak jar files in WEB-INF/lib folder [8 Nos]